Lowest Mortgage Rate in Canada. Starting from 2.99%

At True North Mortgage, we frequently buy down rates.

Our expert brokers are unified and salaried, for a volume of business that affords you more rate options — plain and simple.

Going once, going twice, sold! (to the lower mortgage rate).

Buying down rates helps get our clients the best mortgage product, at the lowest possible mortgage rate.

It means that we'll sacrifice some of the commissions paid by the lender to bring your rate down even more. In essence, it's a way for us to directly impact your rate over and above typically-offered rates.

At True North Mortgage, we do huge volume, so this strategy really helps save our clients more money on their home mortgages. But for smaller independent mortgage brokers, it may negatively affect their bottom line. In order to compete with our business model, they may make false claims about how we get our lower rates, such as providing a lower level of service or inferior mortgage products. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Here's what we won't do to offer a better rate:

Our lower rates don't mean skimping on service. In fact, we have some of the most experienced mortgage specialists in the industry, and we heavily invest in training for unified service across Canada. We're obsessed with offering lower rates AND providing unbeatable service.

  1. Our low rate mortgages are not 'no-frills' products. They're the same product, just at a better rate. In fact, we don’t deal with lenders that only offer 'no-frills' products. The mortgages that come with ultra-low rates are often too restrictive, and will cost you more, later (that's not what we're about, unless that's the product you want!).

  2. We offer a very structured approach to service. One that helps ensure simplicity, consistency, reliability and, of course, speed. We simply do the job of getting you the right mortgage better than any other broker.

We are who we are — because we combine a great rate with exceptional client service.

  • 63% of our clients have referred someone to us
  • 25% of our employees actually own part of the company
  • Zero is the number of Error and Omission insurance claims we've had since inception
  • We haven’t received one single complaint from the public via BBB, RECA (Real Estate Council of Alberta), FICOM (Financial Institutions Commission BC), FISCO (Financial Services Commission of Ontario), OACIQ (Quebec Regulator), FCAA (Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority Saskatchewan), SNSMR (Nova Scotia Regulator) or CAAMP (Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals).
  • We work in a very regulated environment, and take your mortgage business seriously.

Come down to one of our convenient store locations, click on the chat bubble, easily apply online, or talk to one of our friendly agents over the phone — and decide for yourself about our rates and service.

Want to know more?

These articles may not say it directly, but they're addressing the 'True North Mortgage' problem.

Mortgage Broker News: Broker: Never, ever buy down rate

Financial Post: Mortgage brokers undercut banks

Or, just talk to us directly. We'll provide an accurate picture of what's happening with rates, how banks are treating them, and how we work hard for your mortgage business.

We're here for your better rate options.